Would you like help to become debt free?

Seven smart ways to help you become debt-free!

Author: editor-safedebt

Seven smart ways to help you become debt-free!

Living on a tight budget can make paying off debt seem insurmountable. However, with the right strategies and determination, you can make significant progress towards becoming debt-free. Here are seven practical steps to help you manage and eliminate your debt, even when funds are tight!...

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Too many credit cards? It may be time to consolidate

Having multiple credit cards can be tempting as they are a great way to earn rewards such as travel miles or cashback. And having a spare credit card can also come in handy in an emergency. However, life can be unpredictable; sometimes, we find ourselves...

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Six tips to get out of debt sooner

It's the end of another month, and you're trying to make ends meet while struggling with debts. Achieving financial freedom can seem like an elusive goal, especially with monthly bills, ongoing debt repayments, and the general costs of living. It's tough to have enough money...

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How to avoid bankruptcy and save your assets

Avoiding bankruptcy is possible. There’s no doubt about it, debt can be pretty crippling if you let it get out of control.  But if you think your debt has become unmanageable and your assets are at risk, don’t despair – because as bad as you...

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Debt Consolidation – the pros, cons and alternatives

What are the pros and cons of debt consolidation? Is it the right debt solution for you or are there more appropriate alternatives? If you feel like you’re drowning in debt you’re not alone. In fact, Australia’s personal debt is some of the highest in...

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